Terms of Use

“We”, “us” or “our” refers to New Direction (newdir.org). By accessing our online spaces (means our websites and our group online spaces), participating our gatherings, or joining our groups, you agree to the following terms (“Terms”). If you do not agree to be bound by any of these Terms , you may not access, use, participate or join.

  • You may access our website. If you have joined one of our groups, you may also access the group including the group online spaces and the group gatherings.
  • We grant you access to our online spaces and our gatherings. We do not guarantee that the access will always be available. We reserve the right to limit or allow your access to our online spaces and our gatherings.
  • There is no membership fees. You have the right to leave our group any time for any reason.
  • Respect others, the rules and guidelines including the privacy of what is spoken in our group. No recording is allowed.
  • You participate our gatherings with wise and good intention. Skip participating our group gatherings when you have anger or hatred.1
  • The following conducts are unacceptable: swearing, yelling, insulting, defaming, harassing, other aggressive or disrespectful behaviors. Furthermore, spamming, disrupting or hindering our activities are not acceptable.
  • You make sincere and diligent efforts to realize and address your own inner causes hindering you.
  • You protect yourself and others from getting an infection such as COVID-19 and also help prevent spread of the infection.
  • All the information including materials, text, contents and teachings is provided without guarantee of any kind. The information provided is only for educational purposes only. You should not rely on the information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Neither we nor anyone else provide(s) any warranty or guarantee that the information, our activities or our group will meet your expectations or achieve any intended results. You agree that you use the information and participate our activities entirely at your sole risk. You assume full responsibility for your use of the information and your participation of our activities. Neither we nor our teacher(s) nor our group leader(s) nor our group members are responsible or liable to you for any loss, injury or any damages.
  • All our gatherings and activities are according to our purpose, vision and value.
  • We reserve the right to change or modify Terms at any time.
  • If you do not abide by the above terms and guidelines, all rights granted to you under the Terms shall be terminated immediately, with or without notice. Membership of inactive members for more than a year may be expired.
  • if you have questions, concern or feedback regarding above terms, please let us know.

  1. you can get one on one help from the teacher or a senior member to deal with your anger. ↩︎